5 Ways to Stay Active This Winter

5 Ways to Stay Active This Winter

If you live in a cold weather climate, you may know the struggle of staying active during the winter months.

After all, snow and freezing temps are the perfect excuses to stay curled up on your couch with a movie and a cup of hot cocoa, right?

While we don’t think there’s anything wrong with a little winter hibernation, we do know that staying sedative all winter long can have negative implications on your health and wellness.

For that reason, we thought we’d share some of our favorite ways to stay active all winter long.

If you’re looking for ideas on how to keep moving, check out what we recommend…

Take a Winter Hike

It’s not really possible to wish cold weather away. So instead, we recommend you embrace it.

With a warm winter coat and some cozy boots, taking a hike in the snow-laden woods can be a really enjoyable experience.

Better yet, if you spend the morning hiking, you’ve got every reason to come home, take a hot shower, and spend the evening wrapped up on a warm blanket by the fire.

Leash up your pup, or call a friend to join you and head for the hills. Your body--and mind--will thank you!

Try a Hot Yoga Class

If cold temperatures just aren’t for you, turn up with heat with a hot yoga class!

Hot yoga is exactly what it sounds like--a yoga class that takes place in a room that is hot and humid.

Not only does this type of class give you a great workout, but it also helps you improve your lung capacity, circulation, flexibility, and build muscle, all while staying toasty and warm.

There are hot yoga studios everywhere so one shouldn’t be too hard to find in your area.

Do a quick online search in your area and you’ll be surprised how many options are available.

If you can’t take the heat, most studios offer normal yoga classes as well so you can keep moving without all the humidity. Give a class a try and find out what works best for you.

Walk the Mall

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be a runner to give your body an adequate cardio workout.

In fact, walking offers many of the benefits of running, such as…

  • Strengthening your lungs
  • Reducing body fat
  • Improving your balance
  • Building strong muscles
  • Releasing happy endorphins that improve your mood

...without putting too much strain on your joints.

Due to ice and snow during the winter months, many people choose to walk in their local mall.

Not only is the mall warm and spacious, but you can enjoy a little window shopping as you take a stroll--how fun!

Mall walking has become so popular that many malls actually have walking clubs. If this sounds like something fun for you to try out, give your mall a call and see if they have anything available.

Or, you can just grab your best gal pal and hit the shops.

Our only recommendation...don’t let the sales distract you from getting your full work out in!

Take the Stairs

Every day we are presented with opportunities to add a little extra exercise into our routine.

One of the most common decisions we have to make is whether we want to take the elevator or take the stairs.

During the winter months when you’re more sedative, we encourage you to always opt for the stairs.

Taking the stairs helps you to build muscle, burn calories, and gets your blood moving.

Not to mention, explains that taking the stairs also reduces the risk of developing heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels, and improving overall fitness.

If you’re capable, give the escalator/elevator a break and start climbing!

Deep Clean Your Home

Cleaning isn’t the most fun chore. But it’s a good thing to get done while you’re trapped inside on a cold, blustery day.

Better yet, cleaning is a full body workout so you’ll get the benefits of both a clean house and exercise while scrubbing your toilets and vacuuming your living room.

Turn on some tunes, grab some safe, natural cleaning products, and get to work! Your future self will thank you when you’re not trapped indoors cleaning on a warm sunny day.

Fuel Your Body for Success

Whatever you choose to do to keep yourself moving this winter. It’s important that you keep your body fueled with safe, natural foods, proteins, and supplements.

If you’re in the market for natural products that will help you reach your health and wellness goals, we invite you to check out our large variety of safe, natural, and organic sports and fitness products.

Shop sports and fitness products now!

Best wishes for a happy, healthy winter season.

Feb 15th 2019

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